Content: Why Content Marketing is Important to your Business!
How you present yourself is how people first view you. What are you showcasing? Is your content visually appealing? Content is found everywhere around us, from blog posts to social media posts. Why is Content Marketing so important to your business? Content can help educate your audience, ensuring that they’re making smart purchasing decisi Announces Best SEO Companies in Los Angeles in 2020, a fast-growing website providing the latest SEO news, tips and resources and helping business owners connect with leading SEO agencies. Has released its exclusive 2020 ratings naming the best SEO companies in Los Angeles. SEOblog analysts determined the 15 best SEO companies in Los Angeles based on dozens of key quantitative and qualitative fact
LikeSocialBiz is a Top B2B Company in Colombia
At LikeSocialBiz, we put our clients first! LSB provide reliable digital strategy and social media marketing services and high-quality results. We are thrilled to announce that Clutch has named LikeSocialBiz a top B2B company in Colombia in the advertising and marketing category. And honored to be recognized as a Clutch leader in Latin America Clutch [&helli
Blogging: 3 Important Reasons Why Your Website Should Have a Blog!
If you have been thinking about adding a blog to your business, you SHOULD! Blogging is a great way of sharing information in an inexpensive way. Blogging will help your business with its online presence: boosting your SEO, generating organic traffic, increasing your followers and growing your revenue. Having said that, Here are the top […
Instagram: How to Use your Instagram as an Online Store and How to Make Money with it?
Instagram has the highest average engagement rate of all the main social channels, this means that IG users are more open to branded content. We have a goldmine in our hands if we choose to use it right! Why is this important? Instagram has changed the online marketing game, it is accessible, free, fun and […]
WordPress: E-Commerce Plugins Best For Your Online Store!
Building an online store can be challenging if you don’t have the right tools. That is the reason why choosing the correct ECommerce Plugin is vital for your business! Taking the time to research and making the right decisions can save you a lot of time, money, and headaches. In fact, over 60% of medium […]
CBD Advertising: 7 Ways to Promote Your CBD Brand
The North American cannabis industry is expected to reach $16 billion by the end of 2019.CBD is one of the most profitable product categories in the industry and is projected to bring in total revenue of $1.6 billion in the U.S. within the next couple of years.As one of the fastest-growing trends in consumer goods, it’s diffic
Instagram: How to Reach 10k Followers
LikeSocialBiz ‘s Instagram account just reached 15k followers! We think that’s cause for celebration and hope you do, too. We want to thank you all by showing you how we got here and hopefully offering a lesson in how to do it yourself: Be Authentic: WHY? When you share your honest, authentic self to your […]
Google Analytics: 4 Reasons Why You Should Be Using It
Google's free web analytics is a useful and important tool for every website owner...
SEO: Search Engine Optimization
How to Improve It? How long does it take to improve your Google Ranking? A question that we often get asked here at LikeSocialBiz is “How long does it really take to increase Search Engine Optimization results?” This is an awesome question because time is money, right? ABSOLUTELY. Here are some major factors to consider: […]
WordPress: 7 Reason To Love It
WordPress is the most popular open source Content Management System (CMS), used by approximately 75 million websites. WordPress is FREE to install, deploy, and upgrade. Thousands of plugins and templates power a flexible and simple interface, which reduces development costs and deployment time. Here are a few reasons why it’s our top choice for clients: [&
Promoting My Brand Online: Without a Big Marketing Budget
One main concern for many growing brands is how to promote their brand without breaking the bank? Here is what you need to do to grow your brand with little money and a lot of time! 1 – Website Optimization: Make sure your site is set up properly and fully optimized in order to convert […]